At Plank Supply, we provide our customers with the tools and materials needed to complete their project safely and affordably. Our loyal customers consist of anyone from a contractor to a DIY weekend warrior. Plank Supply is a distributor and authorized retailer of Palmer Safety.

More recently, we have launched our own brand, that we know today as Ateret. After finding out first hand that the online market for affordable top-of-the-line fall protection, personal protective equipment, and rope was limited, Ateret was born. Our mission is to always treat our customers like royalty. We do this in part by delivering the gold standard of products as quickly and efficiently as possible. 24/7 support is our promise even after your purchase is fulfilled. As a benefit of our royal family, we believe that you should always be offered quality products at competitive rates. We do everything in our power to reduce costs without sacrificing quality. Our kingdom does this by skipping the middleman, constructing an online store, molding strong bonds with global factories, and by being a volume supplier.

Our team members are made up of a diligent and knowledgeable community. They are ready to assist you in achieving a secure working environment. If you are interested in placing a larger order, please reach out to us directly. One of our many informed team members will be your best resource in procuring exactly what you need to safely complete your project. You can rest easy knowing that we have your back. We appreciate your continued patronage and look forward to ensuring your safety for many generations to come. Inquire about our imperial merchandise today!